Welcome to your GCSE options page. On this page, you will find everything you need to help you choose the subjects you wish to study at Key Stage 4. You will find an online version of the options booklet, videos and supporting documentation from every subject and links to the careers section of our website. Please take the time to immerse yourself in this information to allow you to make informed decisions about your GCSE options.
Key Dates:
Monday 10 March: GCSE Options online submission form opens
Friday 21 March: Deadline for all GCSE Options submissions
We advise you to spend the time leading up to this date discussing the available options. Please use the videos and supplementary information below to help guide your decisions.
If you need any support, help or guidance, please get in touch with us by emailing options@rastrick.polarismat.org.uk
EBACC Subjects
The EBacc (English Baccalaureate) is a broad set of academic subjects at GCSE that helps to keep your options open for further study and future careers.
Before you decide which GCSE options you would like to take, it is worth looking online at your potential future options (e.g. university courses) to see which A-level subjects would be useful as ‘facilitating subjects’. This could give you a better idea about which subjects to choose at GCSE, some of which fall into the EBacc category. This is especially important if you are not yet sure about what you would like to study at university, as the EBacc ensures you have a broad mix of academic subjects at GCSE.
If you would like to study the full English Baccalaureate you must include at least one humanity and one language in your option choices.
The EBacc is optional and you should not feel limited to the EBacc set of subjects, providing you have thought about your future study plans and your interests. If you require any further information, please ask your Year 9 Achievement and Support Team or the school’s C&K careers adviser. You can also find further information online.