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Contact Rastrick High School

Rastrick High School,
Field Top Road,
Rastrick, Brighouse,
West Yorkshire, HD6 3XB.

Tel: 01484 710235

Please click here for the Polaris MAT Charges and Remissions Policy

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Complaints policy.

Please click here for Curriculum information.

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Data Protection Policy.

Please click here for information about School Performance.

Please click here for our Trust financial statement.

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust FOI Policy.

Please click here for Governor and Trustee information.

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Health & Safety Policy

Please click here for Performance Tables.

Should you require a physical copy of any of our information published on this website please email

Please click here for our Scheme of Delegation

Our school is open from 8:55 am – 3:30 pm, which totals 32.91 hours per week.

Please click here to view our school uniform page and click here for our uniform policy

Please click here for our Terms of Reference – LGB

Please click here for the Polaris Multi-Academy Trust Vision & values.