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We reward students who demonstrate excellent effort and a great Attitude to Learning as well as those students who engage in the wider school curriculum including our form time programme.

Form Tutor Ethos Award

The Form Tutor plays a pivotal role in our rewards programme. The Form Tutor is responsible for building a culture of praise within their form where each student within the form understands the importance of striving for success. The Form Tutor is also one of the first people to celebrate student’s success and therefore is a pivotal part of the process.

Attitude to Learning

Waiting for text from Joe

Achievement Points

At Rastrick High School, we promote a culture of praise between staff and students. Central to this are achievement points, awarded through Class Charts. Points can be awarded by any member of staff in school for a range of achievements all linked to our rewards philosophy. As  points build up, we celebrate milestones using achievement postcards which are sent electronically by Parent Mail. We have special milestone points and post home Bronze, Silver and Gold recognition postcards.

Achievement Points are awarded to students for many different reasons which are highlighted below.


We expect all students to understand the importance of attendance. We, therefore, reward and recognise students for both outstanding attendance and improving attendance.

  • Each week every student who has 100% attendance for that week receive 2 Achievement Points for being in the ‘100 Club’ for that week.
  • We also award Achievement Points to those students who have excellent and improving attendance on a half termly basis.


All our students understand the importance of engagement within the classroom and we recognise this with students earning the following achievement points within this category:

  • Excellent Effort: awarded to students to recognise their effort levels within a lesson or over a series of lessons
  • Growth Mindset: awarded to students who approach their work with a growth mindset, being open to new challenges and showing a ‘can do’ attitude
  • Resilience: awarded to students who, within a lesson or throughout a series of lessons, have continued to work hard despite struggling with the topic or content.


We encourage all students to contribute to their lessons, form time and the wider school community whenever they get the opportunity. To recognise and rewards students when they do this we have the following achievement points:

  • Community Contribution: awarded to students who make a positive contribution to the school or wider school community, for example volunteering to help their peers or a member of staff
  • Enrichment: we have an abundance of enrichment activities that students can get involved in from PE challenges to the STEM club and this award recognises those who get involved
  • Extra-Curricular: awarded to those students who participate in any of our extra-curricular clubs from sports to music and everything in between


Maximising student progress is one of our core purposes as a school and as such progress awards have a central point in our whole school rewards programme.

  • Academic Progress: awarded to students who make progress within a lesson, by completing the learning objectives for example, and to those students who make progress over a period of time which is shown in their assessment grades
  • Homework: awarded to students who produce outstanding homework showing a commitment to their progress beyond the classroom
  • Personal Development: awarded to students who have made progress in the non-academic facet of their school lives – through engaging in our student leadership programme for example

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).