At Rastrick High School we take Online Safety very seriously, on this page you will find lots of information and guidance for Online Safety related topics and dealing with Online Safety Incidents.
With the current educational climate relying on students accessing work online we are very aware that both parents and students may need additional support in staying safe online through this period of school closures and have put this page together to support you.
Are you worried about something that’s happening to you or a friend?
Do you need help right now? You can either speak to your Achievement Team or click the button below to report it to the CEOP
Online Safety is part of the school’s curriculum and is covered every year by every student. Please see below a range of resources designed to keep your child safe whilst working online.
Advice for Parents/Carers
We appreciate that through these unprecedented times you as parents are facing new challenges and may need some support. If you have any specific queries relating to our online service then please contact us directly, alternatively you will find below a large list of support available to you.
Internet matters
Helping keep your child safe online
NSPCC Net Aware
Guidance to the social networks your kids use. Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world
Report Online Safety
Information on when and how to report and Online Safety concern
UK Safer Internet
UK Safer Internet explains how to set up filters on your home internet to help prevent age inappropriate content being accessed on devices in your home
Google Safety Centre
Find out about the Top 5 Google safety features including Google SafeSearch and YouTube filtering
Parent Info Articles
Parent Info boasts a wealth of articles covering the risks in the latest technology and lots of useful guidance
Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Whether it’s something big or small, their trained counsellors are there to support you
Facebook Graph Search
This guide will show you how to check that you’re happy with everything that might appear about you in a Facebook Graph Search
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online. – Click here to find out more
Think you Know a site run by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre) with up to date information for children of different ages and parents. Click here to visit Think you Know
Students Online Safety
Here you will find lots of useful information covering a variety of different topics relating to Online Safety tailored to young adults.
Are you worried about something that’s happening to you or a friend?
Do you need help right now?
It’s not always easy to admit it but we all need help sometimes. If you’ve got a problem or something you’re worried about you’ll find lots of people and places that can help here.
Let’s keep the internet fun. Get advice about keeping you and your friends safe.
Following digital footprints
The things you put online can be seen by lots of people and might stay online forever. They are like digital footprints – a trail that people can follow, picking up pieces of information about you. Click the link below to find out more.
Report an E-Safety Issue
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.
What is Sexual Abuse?
There are things that happen that can be really difficult to talk about. Things that feel scary and out of our control.
One of these things is sexual abuse. Click the link below to find out more.