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Transition week 2019

The transition from primary to secondary school is a big step for your child. We are sure it seems a really long time since you dropped your nervous four year old off for their primary school and now you’re preparing for their move to High School. There’s a whole set of skills to master, from navigating a timetable to paying for their own lunch and all the new people to meet.

We understand how nerve racking the transition process can be and wanted to share some of transition week with you.

Overview of transition week

On Monday 15th July, 360 Year 6 students began their journey at Rastrick High School. Some were nervous, others, excited.

They’ve been solving puzzles in maths, learning about sharks in science and using their imagination in English to finish well know stories with their own endings. It’s incredible to see how such young people have embraced the high expectations and not only followed them but shown leadership qualities, kindness and a thirst for knowledge.

We asked Mr Thornton, Year 7 Achievement Leader to tell us about the week

“I have been so surprised at how independent our new students are. They have managed to navigate around the school which is incredible as it’s so big! Apart from the uniform, it would be difficult to tell that they hadn’t been here for a year already. These students have come into Rastrick with fantastic reviews from primary school and they have delivered on this. Some have come to me saying they love Rastrick and can they come over the summer holidays!”

Mr Thornton continued

“I have the responsibility of turning these young students into 16 year old young adults. By the time they leave us in Year 11, they will be taller than their parents and more knowledgeable also! The confidence and enthusiasm they have shown make me realise not only will they be excellent students, but also good people, which is hugely important to my team and me.

I look forward to the journey we will share together over the next few years, there will be highs and lows I’m sure, but through all of us working together, these students will entering the big wide world with the best toolkit possible to excel in all they that wish to do.”

Some comments from their teachers:

Mr Sadler, English – Lua, Zachary and Richard have contributed so well in each lesson and have massively grown in confidence.

Miss Cranston, History – Isabela, Ryan, Toby, Theron, Leah, both Charlottes, Evan, Ava and Harry have all worked so well they have earn’t the Year 6’s first achievement points.

Miss Longley – Ellen has been so helpful along with Alfie who has so much enthusiasm.

Miss Chadha, History – Tajay has shown independence and enthusiasm that I’ve not seen for years.

Mr Marriott – Music – 7/12 and 7/1 have charmed me so much I’m hoping I teach them next year.

Mr Wilson, Science – Harry has the potential to be a world-famous scientist.

Our Headteacher, Steve Evans said

“The students have really stepped up to the challenges we have given them this week. The transition period over a school week we run is not the average school transition, but we don’t do average, we have delivered a great experience to our new students, that will mean they make a brilliant start to the new academic year.”

Matthew and Lua, Year 6 students said


“It’s very different compared to Primary School. On Monday I was nervous that I wasn’t going to make any friends but when I told people they were all like “oh no you’re so confident you’re going to make loads don’t be silly” quoted by my mum ?. I was so much better than I thought and I’ve made loads of new friends. If anyone next year is nervous then they just need to be confident and get through it it’s absolutely fine.”


It’s a lot easier than I thought to fit in even though it’s a bigger school. We are the youngest again! Apart from that it feels like all of us are beginning a new chapter of our lives. Although Year 1 seems like two minutes ago I’m super excited to be in a bigger school and continue this new adventure.