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Core subjects

Students will follow a core set of subjects that include:

English Language and English Literature, Mathematics, Dual or Triple Science, PE*, Religious Studies* and PSHCE.

* These subjects are not examined unless chosen as a GCSE course

Non-core subjects

The non-core subjects are Art, Business Studies, Computing, Drama, Food & Nutrition, Product 3D Design, Art-Textiles, French, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Spanish.

Vocational Courses

The Vocational Courses are Btec Enterprise, Btec Sport, Creative iMedia, Health & Social Care.


Should students wish to study the English Baccalaureate, they will be required to study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Dual or Triple Science as well a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) and a Humanity subject (Geography or History). There will be an opportunity to select one additional subject.

Alternatively, students can study the core subjects (English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Dual or Triple Science) and will have the option to select a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish) or a Humanity subject (Geography or History), plus two additional GCSE/Vocational courses.

Most examinations take place at the end of Year 11 (linear examinations), but regular assessments and feedback take place through Key Stage 4.

Want to have a detailed look at the KS4 Curriculum Overviews by subject?


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