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Please see the below guides that will support you and your child access our Home Learning offer. You will also find below our Home Learning information section.

In the event of a student self-isolating or a partial/full bubble closure, Rastrick High School will continue to provide high-quality education through our Home Learning offer. Students will have access to their full timetable and follow their normal in school curriculum through  Microsoft Teams.

Please see below our Home Learning information section (FAQ) and Home Learning help guides that will support you and your child access our Home Learning package.

Home Learning Information

1. What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

  • In the event of a student self-isolating, the class teacher will set work on Microsoft Teams to allow them to follow their timetable at home as soon as practically possible.
  • There will be no live audio input during these sessions.
  • Students can contact staff regarding work via email or Microsoft Teams and staff will respond during school hours, within 24 hours.
  • Students are still expected to complete assessments and will receive written feedback within a week of submission.

Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

  • Students will follow their normal timetable from home, with teachers delivering lessons over Microsoft Teams as soon as practically possible.
  • There will be live audio input used during these sessions.
  • Students can contact staff regarding work via email or Microsoft Teams and staff will respond during school hours, within 24 hours.
  • Students are still expected to complete assessments, and receive feedback within a week of submission.

2. The Home Learning curriculum: what is taught to students at home?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

It is expected that students follow their timetable throughout the school day. At the start of every lesson (including Form Time), students need to login to their lesson set by their class teacher on Microsoft Teams.

Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

It is expected that students follow their timetable throughout the school day. At the start of every lesson (including Form Time), students need to login to their live lesson delivered by their class teacher on Microsoft Teams.

3. Will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.

4. How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

With respect to the amount of work to be completed each lesson, students should aim to be productive throughout the lesson, whilst acknowledging that it may not always be possible to complete the set work within the lesson time. In cases such as this, the student can email their teacher and the teacher can provide further guidance and reassurance to the student as to what is expected.

Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

With respect to the amount of work to be completed by students, the live audio sessions allow teachers the opportunity to reinforce our message that students should aim to be productive throughout the lesson, whilst acknowledging that it may not always be possible to complete the set work within the lesson time. In cases such as this, teachers can provide further guidance and reassurance to students as to what is expected.

5. How will my child access any online Home Learning you are providing?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

We are committed to ensuring all our students receive the very best education following their planned in-school curriculum which will be delivered through Microsoft Teams.

 Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

During this period of school closure, we are committed to ensuring all our students receive the very best education following their planned in-school curriculum which will be delivered through live Microsoft Teams, including audio and chat lessons by their class teachers.

6. If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access Home Learning?

Families who do not have digital or online access at home will be supported through the provision of laptops to students and the offer of internet access through 4G data provision. To discuss what options may be available to you, please contact your child’s Achievement Team by clicking the relevant email below.

Year 7 – Click here

Year 8 – Click here

Year 9 – Click here

Year 10 – Click here

Year 11 – Click here

7. How will my child be taught remotely?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

Students are expected to log onto Microsoft Teams at the beginning of each lesson.

All classwork (found on the assignments tab) will be available at the time of the lesson.

Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

Students are expected to log onto Microsoft Teams at the beginning of each lesson. They can then engage in live ‘chat’ and audio with their teacher who can offer support and guidance around the work that has been set.

All classwork (found on the assignments tab) is expected to be available at the time of the lesson. Teachers will begin the live audio within the first ten minutes of the lesson. This allows teachers to arrive at their teaching room, settle and register any students who may be in school. During this time students working from home should open the classwork set and begin to read through any instructions. The live audio session that follows will then vary depending on the individual teacher’s situation. Some teachers may feel it is appropriate to deliver a short live audio session, but remain available on the ‘Chat’ function for the remainder of the lesson, whereas other teachers may stay on the live audio for the duration of the lesson. When appropriate, teachers will inform students that the live lesson is coming to an end, and this will take place to allow teachers time to complete the Home Learning attendance check, award Achievement Points and finish the lesson with those students still in-school.

8. What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

Students should attend all 25 lessons and 5 form time sessions each week.

Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

In the event of a full Bubble or full School Closure, students attendance to these sessions is tracked and monitored through the schools ClassCharts system.  Staff will allocate a Home Learning Point for each lesson or form time session that the student has a ‘digital footprint’ within.

Parents/Carers can see when students have attended these sessions and have been allocated the Home Learning Points through ClassCharts. Parents should encourage their child to attend all lessons.

Where school identifies attendance issues the Achievement and Support team will contact parents and discuss how we can support in removing any barriers to accessing the Home Learning lessons.

9. How will you assess my child’s progress?

At points during home learning your child will be asked to complete assessments. These are to be completed and submitted in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. These assessments will then be marked and feedback regarding what students have done well or how their work can be improved will be given on Microsoft Teams.

10. How will you provide feedback on my child’s work?

Students Self-Isolating or Partial Bubble Closure

Formalised Feedback

At points during home learning your child will be asked to complete assessments. These are to be completed and submitted in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. These assessments will then be marked and feedback regarding what students have done well or how their work can be improved will be given on Microsoft Teams.

 Full Bubble Closure or School Closure

Teachers will be providing feedback regarding your child’s learning in two ways:

In lesson Feedback

When the lesson is taking place, teachers will provide ‘in lesson’ feedback on the work/responses that your child provides. This could be done through live audio or chat function. Just as if students were in class, teachers are not expected to mark every piece of classwork completed, but they may ask for work to be submitted as proof that work is being done, allowing them to identify any common misconceptions which can then be addressed next lesson and identify opportunities to praise students for their efforts.

Formalised Feedback

At points during home learning your child will be asked to complete assessments. These are to be completed and submitted in accordance with the teacher’s instructions. These assessments will then be marked and feedback regarding what students have done well or how their work can be improved will be given on Microsoft Teams.

11. How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example, some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

  • All vulnerable pupils (SEND, CLA) will have a key worker who will contact the family at least weekly to support learning.
  • Where there are barriers to accessing Home Learning, plans will be adapted to meet the needs of the learner; this may include the adjusted provision or the use of paperwork packs to facilitate learning.
  • Where there are on-going barriers to Home Learning students will continue to be offered the opportunity to continue their education safely at school.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).

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