At Rastrick we endeavour to create a culture which allows the school community to strive towards excellence in everything it does
A positive climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and accepted and there is a common understanding of behavioural expectations and consequences. When students feel safe and respected both emotionally and physically, they are able to focus better on learning. These attributes are the focus of the character work in our curriculum, daily practices with students and also forms the basis of our working relationships with colleagues, parents and community members.
The understanding of these values and expectations within our school community has been the basis of a whole school consultation on the Climate for Learning, the outcome of which is the introduction of the schools ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ charter. The charter clearly defines the ‘Rights’ of all persons at Rastrick and in addition the ‘Responsibilities’ we have as members of the Rastrick community in upholding these ‘Rights’.
Rewards Programme
At our school, we work hard to nurture positive relationships with all students and to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements. Our rewards system is based on the key principle:
At Rastrick we recognise all students who make significant progress and who contribute positively to both the school and the local community.
All students will receive recognition in the form of achievement points, praise in tutor time, recognition by peers, staff and parents. In addition they will also receive a letter home, praise postcard or a certificate for Recognition of Progress.
There are midterm and end of term rewards for student’s reaching specific levels of achievement points and these include enrichment activity visits and access to discounts off student proms and excursions.
Reports and Parents Consultation Evenings
Each year group will have one parent’s evening with teaching staff during the academic year. Five reports will also be issued during the year, summarising effort and attainment grades.
Anti-bullying Policy
Rastrick High School supports the anti-bullying charter which is a national initiative aimed at addressing bullying. Action will be taken to remedy any potential bullying that may arise.
Bullying behaviour can take a variety of forms ranging from quiet whispers, text or cyber bullying to physical aggression. Bullying of any kind is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated. It is a behaviour pattern which can be changed. Both the victim and the bully will be given appropriate support in order to find positive resolutions to any problems.
The use of the internet and telecommunications to bully or harass people is illegal and the school will take serious action in such cases, including referring incidents to the police.
Students must not suffer in silence. They must speak to someone in their year group office such as their Achievement Manager.