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Year 7 Music

At Rastrick High School, we take the approach that music is to be enjoyed through practical participation.  In Year 7, our students begin by developing a sense of rhythm and pulse through music both familiar and new, including music from other cultures.  Through the introduction of musical literacy, students begin to develop the ability to take part in music making, both individually and as part of a small group using a number of different  instruments and techniques.

Year 8 Music

Students in year 8 continue to develop their literacy skills whilst developing more complex concepts such as chords and scales.  These are again approached through practical music making whilst still looking at music of other cultures, genres and styles to give a broad and balanced musical experience.  Appraising skills concentrate more on aural skills and recognition of key features of the music explored.

Year 9 Music

Students in year 9 follow a curriculum more geared towards life long learning.  Units of work promote the enjoyment of music making through the introduction of basic guitar playing and music technology to inspire future learning as an extra-curricular undertaking rather than a purely academic pursuit.  The study of The Blues aims to help students understand more fully, the origins of today’s pop music style.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).