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Engagement for Learning How engaged are you?

During the summer of 2021, working groups led by both staff and students met over several weeks to consider how Rastrick High School could promote higher levels of engagement both in the classroom and within the wider school community.

Throughout these meetings the question ‘what does engagement look like at Rastrick?’ was discussed at length and it was decided that all key stakeholders in our building needed clarity on what ‘true engagement’ looks like and how students can ‘chase perfection’ in this area.

We are therefore delighted to share with you, Rastrick High School’s Engagement for Learning (EFL) structure. A model created by staff and students, for staff and students.

The system consists of a 5-point scale with clear instructions on how to demonstrate student engagement. This will now replace our ‘Attitude to Learning’ model that was previously reported through our assessment point reports.

School Staff

Throughout the first term this year our entire staff body has had extensive training in how to facilitate engagement within the classroom as well as how to support students in being more engaged.

Staff use our engagement structure within lessons to support students in consistently demonstrating their very best learning behaviours. Staff are also asked to assign an EFL grade at every assessment point.

In instances where students are not demonstrating the required levels of engagement, staff at Rastrick will have a supportive conversation with students and, using the EFL structure, guide students on key areas they need to work on.


Since September, students have had several opportunities to see and engage with the EFL model. This has included assemblies and form sessions.

The EFL model is visible in all our learning environments and students are expected to strive to meet the criteria of level 1 engagement in all their lessons.

Throughout the year, students will get a number of opportunities to reflect on their engagement grades and set their own goals for how to improve their engagement through our ‘Smart Target’ process.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).