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We encourage students to be organised and to have a positive attitude to school, to ensure that they fulfil their potential.

We encourage students to be organised and to have a positive attitude to school, to ensure that they fulfil their potential. To support the development of organisational skills, the school issues every student with a planner at the beginning of each school year. Students are expected to keep their planners in good condition throughout the school year. The Student Planner is full of useful information for students and is the means of recording the homework which teachers set each day. It should also be used to communicate messages between home and school, to record Credits and for parents/carers to authorise absences. Parents/carers are asked to check and sign their child’s Planner each week. Senior staff will monitor the use of students’ Planners during the year.

The school will supply free of charge all books, materials, instruments, etc for use in connection with education provision during school hours, apart from:

  • basic equipment to include pens, a ruler, pencils, crayons, rubber and pencil sharpener
  • basic mathematical equipment to include a protractor and calculator – basic for Years 7-8 and scientific for Years 9-11
  • specialist clothing e.g. aprons for Design and Technology and the approved PE kit.
  • parents will be asked to provide ingredients for Design & Technology Food and materials for Resistant Materials, Textiles, and Art etc and will own the finished product.  Where the school provides these materials, and parents do not indicate in advance that they will purchase the finished product at cost, it will become the property of the school
  • a charge may be made for non-residential activities involving external organisations and/or transport for students for the provision of education during school hours
  • there is a charging policy for instrumental tuition.  Charges for other specialist extra-curricular activities may also be made
  • where possible, the school will undertake to bulk purchase items of equipment/revision guides etc to sell onto students at a reduced cost
  • charges for personal photocopying plus charging for colour laser printing will be made.

The school will pay for the first entry for each Key Stage 4 or 5 course examination or assessment except where in the opinion of the academic and professional judgement of appropriate and relevant staff it is determined that a student has not adequately prepared themselves for whatever reason.

Second and any subsequent entries will be charged to parents according to current examination board tariffs unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Students are expected to have the correct equipment for every lesson. As a minimum this should include a pencil case with equipment such as pens, pencils, ruler, rubber and pencil sharpener. A calculator and basic mathematical equipment such as compasses, protractors etc are also required. Many items are available to purchase from the Library Stationery Shop at competitive prices. Students also require a sturdy school bag large enough to carry files, books etc; handbags are not appropriate.

We encourage students to use their books and files for reference and revision and therefore, we expect them to copy up any work missed through absence. We also encourage students to ask for their teacher’s help if they do not understand any of the work covered.

Students are set homework on a regular basis; there is a wide variety of homework tasks set. Not all homework will be written; some may be reading, research, learning, memorising or reviewing. Some homework may consist of long term projects set over a period of several weeks.

We ask for your co-operation and support regarding the completion of homework. Please check the homework recorded in your child’s Student Planner and, if homework appears to be either excessive or insufficient, we would be grateful if you could contact your child’s Form Tutor or Learning Manager. In addition to the early morning opening, facilities are available in the Library at lunchtime and after school until 5pm for students to complete their homework. Please encourage your child to ask his/her subject teacher or Form Tutor if he/she is unsure about the homework set. Should your child experience difficulty in completing homework they may also be referred to the Homework Club at lunchtimes to support their learning and progress.

A wide variety of visits which support and enhance the curriculum are available to students during the academic year. Specific information including methods of payment will be issued in advance of each individual visit. Students participating in visits out of school are representing Rastrick High School and the highest standards of behaviour are expected at all times. In addition to being educationally valuable, visits must also be safe and staff must be confident that all students participating will behave sensibly and follow instructions at all times. The school therefore reserves the right to refuse to allow students to participate in visits where their behaviour in school or on a previous visit has not been of an acceptable standard.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).