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Our curriculum statement

Our ambitious curriculum shapes a wonderful education for our children, going beyond the standards set by the National Curriculum and statutory guidance. Our students are provided with the opportunity to succeed and enjoy a high-quality education, both inside and outside the classroom.  We pride ourselves on a curriculum that provides a broad and inclusive education that drives students’ ambition and love of learning.

Inside the classroom, all students are guided through a coherently planned learning journey that is designed and delivered by passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated staff. All our students and staff have a shared understanding of that five-year learning journey using ‘Waypoints’. Our curriculum design at Rastrick is ‘never finished’. We always seek to refine and improve the educational experience for our students, ensuring that they learn more and remember more. The use of formative and summative assessment in all subjects provides students with ongoing opportunities to test their memory recall and track their progress.

Our curriculum ensures that all students are supported in their character and personal development, equipping them with the cultural capital required for life both inside and beyond their education. This is built into everything we do at Rastrick, including the subjects we teach, values (PSHE), an extensive tutorial programme and our careers advice service.

Outside the classroom, we provide an inclusive, high quality and extensive enrichment programme, which ensures that all students, regardless of background, have access to a wide variety of opportunities.  Our students play a key role in improving the quality of education and experience for all at Rastrick. Our Student Leadership programme offers all students the opportunity to grow and develop their leadership skill set, which is complemented by student voice which provides feedback on all aspects of school life.

We have three key curriculum areas:

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).