Rastrick High School is further investing in its students, school and its environment. Over the…

Rastrick High School pupils ‘cash-in’ on money management lessons with financial adviser
Pupils at Rastrick High School are cashing-in on a series of lessons designed to help them understand more about budgeting and money management.
Around 300 of our year nine pupils are taking part in a five-week programme with Huddersfield based financial adviser, Louise Woollard.
The programme is part of a partnership between the school and Ms Woollard – who has previously advised players at Huddersfield Town Football Club – to help students become more confident in making decisions related to their money and finances.
Ms Woollard explained:
“I feel really passionately about educating children on key life skills and money management. These skills are so important in adult life and getting into good habits early can make a really big difference in the future.
She continued:
“During the five-week programme, we will work with the students to identify their money personality profiles and determine whether they are a spender or a saver, which can be quite a revealing exercise! We will also focus on getting the students thinking about when they might need to make different financial decisions at different stages of their lives.”
Jess Dawson, Year 9 Achievement Leader at Rastrick High School, said:
“Understanding how to manage money properly is essential for our students as they grow up, and our programme with Louise further enhances the work they do in their Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education lessons.
“The interactive lessons involve quizzes, questionnaires, fact-finding, group work and independent work, as well as project-based tasks such as creating their savings plans.”
Year 9 student, Dobrusia Mazur, said:
“Money management is a lesson you need to take forward and a skill that needs to be developed at a young age. It is a necessary part of life after school, and the sooner you learn to look after your finances, the better they will be.”
Fellow Year 9 student, Emily Gooseman, added:
“I am looking forward to the sessions in tutorial. It will be interesting to look at how to balance spending and saving and it’ll hopefully give us more control. I think it is really good that life skills such as these are being delivered as it is something we all need to learn.”