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Inclusion is integral to life at Rastrick High School

There isn’t a one size fits all approach; students’ needs are discussed and reviewed with parents and professionals on an individual and regular basis and a programme of support is implemented.

Our Special Educational Needs Team supports students in their mainstream lessons as required, working closely with the class teachers to ensure that all students can access the curriculum and achieve the outcomes of the lesson through Quality First Teaching.

Where needed, additional support is provided in the Learning Centre. Students in all key stages can access numeracy and literacy support, and opportunities for overlearning. For students with additional needs, the Learning Centre can offer bespoke intervention programmes including emotional resilience, behaviour toolkit and anger management.

The Achievement and Support Structure within the school ensures that children who have other additional needs, or who may be vulnerable, are also supported by their Form Tutors, Achievement Managers and Achievement Leaders and the Student Welfare Team. We have excellent links with external agencies and work closely with a range of professionals so that children and their families can receive the support they need in and out of school.

Want to have a look around our Learning Centre? Check out the virtual tour of one of main blocks in the Learning Centre.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).