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The school day is divided into five one-hour lessons.  Every week, each year group has one assembly and four personal development sessions.  Afternoon registration takes place at the beginning of Period 4.

Daily times

8.45 am – Students to arrive at school

Assemblies and tutorials (weekly pattern)

Year group assembly

Tutorials which will include:
• review
• target setting
• planning
• reading
• PSHCE programme
• private study

Daily Routine

The school is open from 8 am and students should arrive at school no later than 8.45 am so that they have time to organise themselves and be punctual for the start of the school day. The Library is open from 8 am to 5 pm for students who wish to read, do homework or research subjects in print or on the Internet; the Library closes at 4 pm on Fridays.

GCSE certificates are now ready to collect from the visitor’s reception. Please make sure the student has photographic ID with them.

If anyone other than the student is collecting on their behalf, they will need a signed letter of consent from the student and their own ID (not the students ID).